Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thoughts on Thursday

So it's Thought's on Friday...but who's counting. Dollar short & a day late, isn't that how the saying goes?

Beauty and Loveliness

Mother Teresa's successor via Da Mihi Animas. She has some shoes to fill.

Just to make you Sassy & Sweet Notesa baby...go take a peek, I'll wait.

I didn't say what kind of baby!


Lasagne of Emilia-Romagna at Arabian Knits. This looks so yummy!

Alfredo Chicken Pizza
from Renee's Kitchen Comforts. I don't want to share this.

Ginger Grapefruit Bread
at The Happy Belly Bakery. A new-to-me blog I found.

Arts and Crafts

Gorgeous Heart Pendant at But Is It Art?

Check out this Amish Dalia Square at On Pins and Needles.

Spring box directions at Out to Impress--it is for Easter, but could be modified the year through.

Parenting and Homeschooling

Talking to your child about disabilities

Is Gardasil worth it?


A nice visual to demonstrate the size of the debt
--The American Catholic

Why weren't all the memos released?? at Stop the ACLU

Is Quoting Scripture a Hate Crime by Jean at Catholic Fire


The Sacrament of Marriage at Quite the Normal Life

Do we need Sacraments? at Crossed the Tiber

Bishop Finn says, "We are at war..." I'm so glad he is our Bishop!

I'd be happy to include a link if you want me to & it is family friendly.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

Renee said...

Great links! I just love the Amish Dalia square. Have a great week.