Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Allon: Book 2-Insurrection

Allon: Book 2-Insurrection

by Shawn Lamb

Back in April I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Allon. Recently the author, Shawn Lamb asked me if I was interested in the latest edition to the Allon series, Insurrection. How could I refuse?

Insurrection picks up four years after Book 1 ends. Ellis is king, Shannan is queen. An heir to the throne is on the way. Allon is at peace. But the Dark Way does not give up easily. Whisperings of conflict and discontent give way to danger.

Without giving the story away, I will say Allon is a wonderful novel that offers strong characters who give examples of honor, faith, devotion, heroism, gentle mercy and wisdom. These characters are at odds enemies exhibiting greed, pride, sin, and destruction. Ms. Lamb manages to combine action and adventure with a focus on faith and serving the Lord. I know my both my boys will enjoy this book and gain some good lessons along the way.

Allon: Book 2-Insurrection would be a great last minute Christmas gift for a young adult or an advanced young reader who loves fantasy and action. Or, since I am tardy in getting my review out if there are any young readers out there with a few holiday dollars they want to spend on a new book they would find an exciting read in this second book of the Allon series.

There is a website featuring a blog, an interactive map, photos and more that many will also enjoy.

My thanks to Ms. Lamb for the delightful read.

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